Himla er et nordisk samarbejde mellem sanger og sangskriver Adine Fliid (DK/NO), cellisten Adam Mckenzie (AUS/DK) og klarinettist Siri Iversen (DK). Himla er et moderne bud på nordisk sangskrivning, hvor lytteren får lov til at komme helt tæt på. Trioens debutalbum gav gruppen en DMA nominering i kategorien: “Årets nye danske rootsnavn 2021”. Musikken læner sig ind i den klassiske singer/songwriter traditionen, men formår også at udfordre traditionen. Det gør de ved at tilføje elementer fra folk, avantgarde og kammermusik til deres akustiske univers.

Rundt om en stærk, lyrisk vokal og et tekstunivers på dansk og norsk, væves klanglige tæpper af dansende buestrøg og varme knitrende luftstrømme, som åbner et vindue til de åbne, nordiske vidder. Instrumenteringen er organisk og består af fængende melodier, baslinjer, dissonanser og akustiske lydeffekter på guitar, cello og klarinet.

Himla er der hvor melankolien møder livsenergien og fortæller om det landskab af følelser og drømme, der ligger lige under hverdagens overflade.


Himla is a Nordic collaboration between singer and songwriter Adine Fliid (DK / NO), cellist Adam Mckenzie (AU/DK), and clarinetist Siri Iversen (DK). The trio’s debut album  “Himla” offers a modern take on Nordic songwriting, where the listener is allowed to get really close to the sound. The trio’s debut album earned the group a DMA nomination in the category: “New Danish roots name of the year 2021”. The music leans up against the classic singer/songwriter tradition, but also challenges it, by adding elements from folk, avantgarde and chamber music.  

A strong and lyrical vocal is woven together with dancing bow strokes and warm crackling air. A text universe in Danish and Norwegian, opens a window to the open, Nordic landscapes. The instrumentation is organic and consists of catchy melodies, bass lines, dissonances and acoustic sound effects on guitar, cello and clarinet.

Himla is where melancholy meets the energy of life and tells about the landscape of feelings and dreams that lie just below the surface of everyday life.

Adine Fliid

Vocalist / Songwriter / Guitarist

Adam McKenzie


Siri Iversen

Clarinetist / Bass Clarinetist


“There is SOO much intent in Himla’s music. You find it in every note played, in every word sung, in every silence they add in between the notes. HIMLA truly makes the most of the use of classical instruments. Played by skillful musicians a cello or bass clarinet can weep, they can sing, they can be melancholic, they can sound out of this world. So this album oozes emotion. It oozes melancholic tenderness. It oozes pure quality, note after note after note! If you ever wondered what a combination of Anna Katrin Egilstrod (Valravn), Eivør, Jyoti Verhoeff and Björk would sound like? Well here is your answer. The alternative folk scene has a new gem here.”
Flot, udfordrende og grænsesøgende debut fra grænselandet mellem Danmark og Norge og mellem pop, klassisk, avantgarde og folk.
Himla break all the molds, and that’s no bad thing. They’re not really folk, definitely not pop, and yet there’s some ineffable something – wistfulness? romance? - that could draw in a very wide range of listeners This mix of Danish and Norwegian talent works superbly, with great musicianship and even more imagination. Yes, very definitely something special.
Himla's debut album enchants from start to finish.
Adine’s voice immediately grabs you. It has a lovely warmth to it, but it easily cuts through the melody as well. From the first few notes, she manages to express so much emotion with it. Although I don’t speak Norwegian or Danish I never felt the urge to look up the lyrics. Her voice alone connects with me in a way that makes words redundant. A truly unique feature. The acoustic guitar and cello are a perfect accompaniment to Adine’s voice, adding even more to the fragile, warm but also intense sound of HIMLA. You have to hear this to realize how powerful a fragile sound can be.
Their harmonious vocal contributions are wonderful, but the melancholic cello and clarinet sounds also manage to touch deep into the heart.
Tænk på en grænseløs krydsbestøvning af Tara Fuki, Sidsel Endresen, Frifot, Ragnheiður Gröndal, Björk, Iva Bittová og Phønix. Man kan trygt tale om en himmelsk debut.

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